Restorative Dentistry Procedures at E.S.I. Healthy Dentistry

Even if you feel like you are on top of your dental health, you may still be prone to a number of oral health complications including infections, gum disease and tooth decay. For those who are up to date and diligent about their dental health, falling victim to an oral health complication can be discouraging. Fortunately, these complications don’t have to put an end to a beautiful smile.

Dr. Kilimitzoglou performs a variety of restorative dentistry procedures out of his Long Island practice. These procedures successfully restore health and beauty to even the most highly affected teeth.

When it comes to oral health, it is important to take both preventative and reactive measures to care for your teeth. Dr. K works with patients’ wants and needs to help them maintain the health of their teeth and gums. In the event that a patient’s mouth health is compromised, Dr. K can offer an array of restorative dentistry procedures to preserve the appearance and health of his or her teeth. Below are a few of the restorative dentistry procedures that ESI Dental offers. These procedures alleviate patient pain, provide an aesthetically-pleasing look and prevent further health issues from arising.

Full Mouth Restoration

Full mouth restoration is performed when a patient has experienced significant trauma or infection-- it encompasses a number of treatments that are designed to restore a patient’s oral health. A patient’s need for a full mouth restoration may result from a number of causes, including but not limited to:

  • Teeth lost to decay or trauma

  • Injured or fractured teeth

  • Teeth that have become worn down as a result of acid erosion or tooth grinding

  • Jaw, muscle and headache pain requiring adjustments to the bite

The type of procedures performed during full mouth restoration vary based on the patient. Full mouth restoration is not a quick fix, but it is a comprehensive  and effective one. Dr. K is committed to producing healthy, natural-looking results and following through with each of his patients.


Endodontics, more commonly known as root canal therapy, is a procedure in which Dr. K removes nerves from an infected tooth’s root. This procedure effectively saves your natural tooth by removing the infection and preventing it from spreading. 

Root canal therapy becomes necessary when there is inflammation or infection of the dental pulp. The following is a list of symptoms to look out for that may mean an endodontic procedure is necessary:

  • Swelling

  • Gum tenderness

  • Tooth discoloration

  • Intense tooth pain or discomfort

  • Extensive tooth sensitivity, especially to temperature

If you experience any of these symptoms, consult with Dr. K immediately. He is experienced in endodontics and has helped numerous patients preserve their natural teeth through root canal therapy.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are used to restore the strength of a tooth that has been affected by decay. These fillings can be made of gold or porcelain and are custom fit for each patient. Onlays are used when tooth structure has been affected, involving one or more of the tooth’s cusps, whereas inlays are used when the damage or decay is more confined.

There are a number of benefits to choosing inlays and/or onlays depending on what results you want and what your situation is. Some of these include:

  • A brightened smile 

Onlays can replace damaged portions of your teeth. Porcelain and resin onlays can spruce up your smile with a natural looking white that matches your teeth.

  • Extended life of your teeth

Inlays and onlays are created from highly durable materials such as porcelain, and are designed to withstand a lifetime of usage and resist traditional damage and degradation.

Onlays and inlays are a long-term solution to oral health complications that surpass the lifespan of other options like crowns and fillings. They are not likely to need replacement in a typical patient’s lifetime.

  • Durability

Inlays address cavities and other similar damage, while onlays take care of more severe damage done to the tooth. Both are cemented to the tooth after the damaged portion of the tooth is repaired or removed. Inlays and onlays are a highly durable solution to your oral health problems-- they are cemented to teeth and create a tight seal once the damaged tooth portion is repaired or removed. 

Soft Tissue Graft

Soft tissue grafting is a procedure that is performed to maintain the integrity of the gums. The gums are vital in preventing bacteria from spreading throughout the teeth and causing further damage.

Exposed roots are the result of gum recession, which can occur for a wide variety of reasons including but not limited to the following:

  • Chronic inflammation from plaque along the gum line

  • Aggressive tooth brushing 

  • Grinding your teeth

 If a portion of the gums begins to deteriorate, Dr. K can graft gum tissue from the roof of the mouth to place in the affected area. This helps to protect the teeth and safeguard against further infection.

Bone Grafting

As a skilled dentist and fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Dr. K is able to successfully perform bone grafting with precision and skill. This delicate procedure adds bone to jaws that lack density or have been deteriorated by decay, enabling Dr. K to move forward with a dental implant procedure. 

There can be many reasons a patient requires a bone grafting procedure, including:

  • Development defects

  • Gum disease

  • Face injury or trauma

  • Empty space due to tooth removal

This surgery allows Dr. K to provide dental implants to patients who have previously been dismissed as candidates for the procedure.

If you have struggled with maintaining the health of your teeth, it's important to seek superior dental care. To learn more about Dr. Kilimitzoglou’s restorative dentistry options, please contact our Long Island practice at your earliest convenience.


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