e.s.i’s Dr. K on Tooth Stains

e.s.i’s Dr. K on Tooth Stains

By Wave Agency

Many people throughout the world experience tooth staining. Tooth discoloration of any kind is a natural aspect of life that can have roots in one’s diet or other issues with respect to oral health. It is important to consider how one’s teeth are affected by what we do daily. Those experiencing severe tooth discoloration may find themselves insecure in their smile, but it is possible to remedy stained and discolored teeth.

Even diligent brushers and those who care deeply about their oral health can find themselves at risk of tooth discoloration. Staining foods and drinks are a major culprit in tooth discoloration. Wine and coffee contain strong staining agents but are regularly consumed by millions.

e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry’s Dr. Kilimitzoglou has the following to say on the nature of red wine as a tooth-staining agent. “Everyone who loves red wine knows that there are potential cardiovascular and digestive benefits. They also know that it can result in stained teeth … You would be surprised to know that there are new studies showing the polyphenols in red wine may actually help prevent dental decay and promote a healthy biome.”

Polyphenol is something found in red wines that, while containing some health benefits, can also stain one’s teeth. “The interaction of the bacteria found in the gut and red wine polyphenols can act as a preventive measure in promoting oral health, protecting teeth and gums,” writes Dr. K.

Expensive tooth-pastes for whitening purposes may be many people’s go-to, but there are other ways to get one’s smile back and track and bright. Dr. K has written at length about the nature of whitening toothpaste, “Some toothpaste whiten because they have an abrasive medium like silica. This is a safe material that acts like sand; it is fine little glass-like spheres, actually. By scrubbing this sandy, gritty material, we effectively remove some of the tough stains that get formed on the surface of our pearly whites.”

While whitening toothpaste does offer benefits when used regularly as part of healthy oral habits, what is most important is regular dental visits as well as consulting with your dentist. Finding a trusted, experienced dental team can be tough, but the team at e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry has you covered. Schedule an appointment today, and find your way to your best possible smile!


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