Your Best Options for Teeth Whitening

Your Best Options for Teeth Whitening
By The Wave Agency

There are many different reasons for discolored teeth. Those with brown or yellowish teeth, or even the condition known as translucent teeth, can lead to one feeling not confident. Your teeth can be stained or discolored for many reasons. Consuming certain foods or beverages has much to do with tooth discoloration. It is also important to note that your established dental habits have a large part to play as well as to the whiteness of your teeth.

As mentioned there are numerous reasons for how one’s teeth can be discolored, but many of these reasons can come from within. What is known as intrinsic dislocation occurs from within the tooth. Aging, or even tooth infections are common causes of this. Intrinsic discoloration is something that cannot be dealt with alone. It takes professional intervention to deal with the issues of intrinsic discoloration.

For those seeking teeth whitening treatments, you can visit your dentist for whitening treatments or use at-home whitening products, many of which are considered suitable by professionals, though most would suggest a dental appointment to deal with whitening.

Visiting your dentist for whitening is considered the most effective and practical method for your needs. This is particularly true for those with intrinsic discoloration. Not only is in-office whitening quick-acting, but it also allows you to discover any oral health complications that may be causing discoloration.

If you’re experiencing tooth discoloration, consider your dental habits, as well as your diet. Sodas and sugary foods can cause real problems for your oral health. But dental visits and a changing of habits will allow for you to maintain your fresh white teeth as well.

Visit e.s.i. Healthy Dentistry for all your dental needs and schedule an appointment today!


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